Adding Trezor to Exodus - Bech32 address ▫

I’m revewing this product and I did a first configuration of Trezor One in Trezor Suite creating a bech32 address (bc1).

After this, I connected the device to Exodus Wallet. The address bc1 is not visible.
In fact you can’t create a bc1 address with trezor inside Exodus wallet.

Will this be supported in the future?

Hi @lordtato

It’s rather a question for Exodus team. But since it’s the latest format address bringing more advantages, it is highly probable that this format will be supported eventually.

At the same time, just to let you know, Trezor Wallet doesn’t support the newest Native Segwit format either.

Anyway, with Trezor Suite you can use all formats (Legacy, Segwit, and Native Segwit). As for other apps, there might be limited options, though.