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如果我的钱包中有ETH的货币,用对应的密语进入到这个页面的时候,这里会显示账户余额的吗,目前显示的都是0ETH.。 If I have ETH currency in my wallet, when I use the corresponding password to enter this page, will the account balance be displayed here? The current display is 0ETH.

you are using wrong passphrase, if you want to see previous accounts you need to use the same one as mentioned in the other topic.


it is a wrong passphrase

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Suite can only show first 10 accounts, you cannot see number 14 in there


you can find top 10, just click + button in upper left corner in Suite and Add more ETH accounts. But you need to have some balance on each one to add new.

If you want to use more then 10 then you will have to stick to Metamask.

This is really unfriendly, I think it should be able to display at least 100 accounts to meet our needs.

What should I do to add my 14th account to the suite

Already mentioned it is not possible. You need to use metamask for that.

I can try, but I hope you can optimize and add more accounts. Why only 10? Is it a technical problem

it is due to optimization, every coin is set to 10 accounts limit otherwise there would be issues with loading of accounts etc.