Sending rETH (Rocket Pool) from Uniswap to Trezor

Hi, I have deposited approximately $5k in ETH on Uniswap and have swapped for rETH (Rocket Pool) as I have read this is one way to stake ETH while maintaining custody of your coins.

I**'ve been told I can move these funds back to my Trezor wallet as is but I cannot find an option to enable rETH (Rocket Pool).** I know it is an ERC20 token but what wallet address would I send it to on my Trezor? Would I send it to a regular ETH account address that I have? Do I have to swap it back to ETH before transfer back to Trezor. I’ve read that no, I don’t need to do that. That I should be able to transfer rETH into Trezor directly as long as I have the correct coins enabled but I’ve never seen rETH mentioned in Trezor as an available coin to add.

I LOVE my Trezor (Model One) and I’m really happy to have found this community. I want to learn as much as I can from you guys because the more I read, research, and apply those lessons the more I realize how much I really don’t know at all! Crypto has become and always was very intricate by design but as a systems analyst the functionality of Trezor, BTC, the blockchain continues to amaze me.

Very nice to meet everyone in advance! I have a feeling I have come to the right place!


Hi @alacrity,

See if this can help you:


Really sorry for the delayed response…videos no longer available

I need detailed instructions on making this happen:

sending rETH to addresses housed in Trezor suite with a Trezor button device.

I need it step by step in text please someone help me

see latest reply in the main thread


I see the video is unavailable at the moment. Here’s a step-by-step explanation: