Non-KYC trading

Mmmm… if they’re illegal in your country and you use them then surely you expect to go to prison? Like it’s illegal to buy certain drugs so most people don’t risk it. It sucks for sure if your country bans stuff, but we all have to put up with it. Some people want to legally own guns, many countries say “no way”. Some people want to drive faster and another country allows it, your own country’s speed limits may suck. Some countries allow cannabis to be smoked, other places literally throw you in jail for many years. It’s pot luck down to where you were born most of the time. Yes, the world is entirely unfair, but you have to obey your country’s laws or just move. I mean, isn’t that what we all have to do? But who is to say this person is in that situation anyway… I know many, many people are simply not paying taxes on their crypto in first world countries, but that cannot hold for long. The moment you try to buy something big one day, you’re got. And CBDC’s will stop this too. I don’t know why everyone just has to fight this stuff all the time when you can live within the boundaries and do REALLY REALLY well for yourself (eg: investing in BTC ten years ago like many did!).

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By the way, if the “edit message” comment was about me (not sure it was?) then the people who create this board need to not have a time limit between posting and editing. It is waaaaaay too fast. I tried it and you get cut off within no time at all. Hence, you have to post again.

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LOL just saw your first reply rimaS… “Why would people have to announce everything they purchase?”… ummmm… law? Tax purposes? So you don’t have to live looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life hoping the taxman doesn’t audit you?? This is the problem; too many degens in the space looking to make lambo with no care for taxes at all… that’s literally prison time, or forced selling of all your assets to cover past taxes (when the taxman catches up). That’s a fair answer to the question methinks.

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@Roy_Of_The_Rogers like I said I don’t think it has anything to do with tax evasion.
Agree this space is full of degens

Its is great you have the freedom and free speech to have your own opinion and you are able to express yourself, that is really great.

Like I also said previously I still believe it is great to have a choice.

I pay my taxes fully, and as said before most of my purchases are KYC.

I think, once again having a choice and the freedom to choose is what is important…

Saying again, I see it as an investment of a better system compared to what we have now.

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I don’t know if it was to you…

But it was implemented by community support and also suggested by participants because of scammers in the forum, to avoid them editing there flagged post making it visible again…

Because of some we all have to obey like you said…

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What is your point of view regarding the new EU’s AML concerning anonymous crypto payment?

Would it change something using a Trezor cold Storage?

How will we transfer funds if we want to spend our btc stacked into a Trezor wallet in the future?

Thanks for your answer,



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In a world that’s becoming more and more totalitarian are there plans to integrate privacy features into the Trezor? I’ve recently become aware of Railgun and the Railway wallet and thought it would be awesome to implement this in the Trezor ecosystem/wallet. The thought of using the railway desktop app to store my funds terrifies me. Thanks!!

I’ve not come across this before, however since I avoid ETH due to excessive fees and zero privacy, it doesn’t interest me much.

However, I’d be interested in your take on how it works in a couple of sentences.

With all this KYC about, it’s impossible to stay private anymore.
I do use monero which helps, but I do invest in other chains, mostly SOL, which has no privacy, so I’m kinda stuffed either way.
Privacy in the last couple of decades seems to have disappeared. I doubt there is anyway to get it back…

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There are already features like conjoin in the Trezor Suite. But Trezor can only do so much, there are more services online.