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Thanks for the address.

From what I can see on the various scanners, the draining activity started at Dec-01-2021 08:54:54 AM +UTC with this transaction.
It is a standard-looking approval, I don’t see any problem with it, but I’m not an expert in these things. If it was your action, then that might have been what started this whole thing.
Otherwise, I would think that this was already an action of the attacker.

The attack continued on Ethereum and Polygon networks until 11 AM UTC, at which point they seem to have taken an afternoon nap, and at 3 PM UTC proceeded to start draining your BSC account, briefly coming back to add some gas and move Tether at 4 PM UTC, while continuing to drain BSC.

An hour later, at Dec-01-2021 04:42:51 PM +UTC, your accounts are almost completely drained.

The last transaction, surprisingly, is at Dec-02-2021 04:53:18 AM +UTC, so almost 12 hours later. It looks to me like the attacker got a good night’s sleep and then noticed that they forgot to drain the BNB from the BSC account, so quickly did that. Please note that at this point most of the tokens on the BSC account have been gone for over 12 hours.

To me, the attack does not look automated. There are minutes to hours between individual transactions, and they’re not happening on different networks at the same time. I would imagine that the attacker loaded your private keys into Metamask and then drained the accounts by hand, one or several tokens at a time.

I’m also seeing some unstake operations, so the attacker can do that if they want, apparently.

This gives you some hope: in your place, I would wait a couple weeks and then transfer everything out in one go, ideally at some point between 4 PM UTC and 4 AM UTC, when the attacker seems to be asleep.

Of course, I might be mistaken in any of this, so do as you see fit.

As for the reason, the most likely is (a) seed compromise, or (b) someone using your Trezor device without your knowledge. I haven’t looked too deep, but from a brief look, all the transactions can be done with a Trezor.

Thank you for the details, and your analysis. I’ll follow your advice to wait a couple of weeks and carefully time unstaking and moving remaining assets. I can definitely rule out someone else using the Trezor device, that would pretty much be impossible in my circumstance. I’m still thinking it’s smart contract related, and the timing would line up with a withdrawl on Polygon network of KLIMA from Hotbit exchange to the hack wallet.

Here’s the transaction ID from Hotbit: Txid: 0xce5aecd8153a473508a1c62f863b44381ed8e384914e598e88ce6a13a70467ad

I’m not on Hotbit often, but I know that withdrawing funds from the exchange has always been 20 minutes or less. This particular transaction was held in “verifying” for over 10 hours, and I finally got a confirmation email that it was complete on Dec 1st at 7:10AM UTC.

Just to be sure, there’s no way for me to add a layer of security at this point to the Trezor that the hacker would need to break through?

I believe that the attacker is in control of your private keys, so nothing you can do except try to move the funds away.

What conclusion did you reach at?

With a lot of assistance from this forum as well as Trezor Reddit forum, I believe I approved a malicious smart contract, that’s pretty much the only logical explanation for it. I honestly didn’t think the Trezor could be breached/hacked without actually having it in hand to read the pin pad and press the buttons. Hopefully that’s a tech advance we see soon - an unhackable physical wallet that can only be used if you are in possession of the wallet. Seems my situation might be a bit rare, but it really happened. The Trezor was never out of my possession.

that is not how cryptocurrencies work…everything happens on the blockchain, wallet only keeps your private keys, but if they are compromised then what happens with the device physically is irrelevant…

likewise, if your device is damaged, this ensures you can restore your funds on any other wallet.

That’s why it is crucial to keep your seed safe…read more about it below: