There is a BUG in Trezor Suite. When sending XRP from cold wallet to exchange like Coinbase I enter the MEMO number correctly, verify at Trezor Model T and when review befor pushing send button, all of a sudden Trezor Suite has wrongly formatted the MEMO (Destination Tag) so instead of a number that coinbase expects to be in the format 1234567890, Trezor Suite makes number look like this 1,234,567,890 with comma signs in between. Because of this Coinbase do not manage to identify the correct acount. This has to be fixed ASAP
Hi @cyp, yes the Suite shows the tag differently but on Trezor it should be correct and hence correct in the transaction as such, can you reproduce the issue where also the tag on the device is wrong?
Hello. I tried to send a few xrp yesterday to Coinbase, and after 3 hours and money had not showed up at Coinbase, and xrptracker showed money was delivered, I contacted coinbase. They found the money at last that had gone into their main pool, but the destination tag was wrong they said so because of that the money was not credited my account with them and still isn´t because I had to make another transfer to prove it was me, but the destination tag would have to be correct this time. But I used copy paste so the first transaction was correct but it is this format thing with adding commas that fucks up in receivers end I was told, so they asked me to contact Trezor regarding this to ask them to fix this field.
[quote=“forgi, post:3, topic:20907”]
The first image is mine. Where i tried 15 xrp and get commas between. Even tried to change the laguage and region settings on my computer but did not help
As per my last message, the tag is correct on the device and in the transaction itself. If not please reproduce this issue and show it on video/pictures.
Comes with comma signs when sent to receiver. And the number was correct on the Trezor. But from Mobile app Destination Tag is ok, so this is an formatting issue on web browser on PC/MAC that the commas are added and hence receiver also gets these commas
Can you share transaction ID example? Or record a video and open a support ticket, please.