XRP Account Discovery Error


I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this currently.

I wanted to check my balances on my Trezor.
Updated it.
Both the software and firmware of the device.

Saw my balances. All was great.
I went to see my XRP. it loaded.

But then after sometime It began to load Account discovery Error
I checked on line more about this message.
Saw the trouble shooting steps.
Did them, but it still shows the same account discovery error.

At one point I saw that this occurred with Ethereum a while back, because several people were experiencing the same thing. But I was wondering if this is the same with XRP now.

All my balances load except XRP.
I checked my other XRP wallet in Trezor and it also shows the same message
On both wallets.
I do not have any VPN.
All is being down in the Trezor app.

I wanted to check if this was a broad thing and not just me.



What I did to keep testing.

I tried to access Trezor using the web UI.
My XRP Loaded in the web UI

I checked the Trezor app again, and it loaded now.

Unsure what happened.

But all seems to be okay.

I’ve been trying for hours, without success, to send my XRP tokens from my Trezor wallet (using the desktop app) to Binance. I’m using the correct address and destination tag, and I’ve even increased the fees. However, before I can click the “Review and Send” button, it remains grayed out for 1-2 minutes. Once it becomes clickable, I verify the transaction on my Trezor and press “Send,” but I always receive the same error message: “Transaction signature error [extends()]”, and nothing happens.

Even using XRP-Scan, only 1 out of 5 transactions went through, despite the error message appearing for all 5 attempts. Reinstalling the app and deleting the @trezor folder didn’t resolve the issue.

I couldn’t find any mention of this specific error on Reddit, GitHub issues, or in the forums. The support chat bot wasn’t helpful, and I’ve yet to receive a reply from email support.

I’m beyond disappointed with Trezor. Not only can I not send my XRP, but the apps (Windows and Android) are just terrible. Balances sometimes take days (!) to update, token prices vary depending on the view, and transactions sometimes appear in the Android app but not in the Windows version.

Using other wallets like Exodus isnt possible anymore since the new core models seem to be unsupported.

Please tell me how I can retrieve my XRP from Trezor. I have no intention of returning to this platform.

@goose @ReleaseMyXRP Please note that Trezor Suite is directly connected to XRP servers - The XRP network is experiencing congestion at the moment.

As the XRP network load goes down, you should be able to load and see your XRP account.

As this issue is not related to Trezor or Trezor Suite, the only solution for now is to wait.

Let me know if anything isn’t clear.