Use Trezor on both Windows and Linux

My Trezor device was originally setup using a Windows 10 computer. Now, I also use a Ubuntu Linux computer. When I plug in the Trezor to the Linux computer, it is warning me that there is some issue. Can we use this on both computer types?
“firmware is already installed on the connected Trezor. Only continue with setup if you have used this Trezor before.”

Not sure what to do. Don’t want to break it.

one device can be used at any computer types and phone .

I connected the device, opened Trezor Suite on the Linux computer and it shows nothing. It does not show my current tokens. It looks like a new profile or something.

When I plug the device into the original Windows computer, it shows my account and the tokens.

suite must be set again. if the adress is right , you have to add all your tokens on windows suite all again . your new suite have no memory about it .

The suite on your windows version of the computer and the suite on linux are just two software, not a service that synchronizes from time to time like Google Cloud Drive or dropx.
As long as you use the same trezor and the same passphrase, the same wallet will be generated.

But the new suite does not know which tokens you have added to the suite on other devices.
According to the display of trezor map, the memory synchronization function is still under development.

I enabled the Ethereum coin in the app settings and my tokens now show.

Great to hear you solved it!
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