I have sent USDT ERC20 to the token wallet under Etherium Classic as I was using the device the first time. The USDT never arrived. Is there any chance to send them back or to forward them to the ERC20 wallet under Etherium not Etherium Classic?
Hi @James1,
Coins should never be sent to addresses generated for other coin types, as this may result in loss of funds.
However, ETH coins or ERC20 tokens sent to ETC address can be retrieved.
Before doing those steps, go to Trezor Suite Settings → Device → Safety checks → Edit → change the settings from “Strict” to “Prompt”.
go to Trezor Suite and select Ethereum. Go to Receive tab and click on Show full address. Copy that address, verify it on Trezor’s device display
to import Trezor’s public keys, connect Trezor device, go to MyEtherWallet and pair it with Trezor
as a network, keep using ETH
as a derivation path, choose Ethereum Classic (m/44’/61’/0’/0) - the address with USDT tokens is on this derivation path
after accessing the address, verify that you are still using the Ethereum network in the right corner - you can always change the network there (right now you are on the Ethereum network, but with derivation path m/44’/61’/0’/0 that is being used for Ethereum Classic)
Add the token to the wallet by pasting the contract of the ERC20 token, the contract address is:
send the USDT token to the address from step 1 (from the address you have got from Trezor Suite)
You can also find the process in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x4f73d_GuI&list=PLE-cdsNF-Lxd8kI7YlziqGUfBJlQjXLoz
Also, make sure that you have some ETH in the wallet to cover the transaction fee.
Dear James,
Thanks a lot for your message! I will try my very best.
Thank you
Amazing!!! I worked
Thanks a lot
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