Urgent Help Needed I'm Panicking

Okay so,
Opened my wallet, set it up and all, connected it to metamask.
I made an account and it showed on my chrome metamask extension Trezor 1
I sent a big sum of bnb to that account, and removed the account on metamask after disconnecting the trezor (from the wire) as I thought it was how you remove it. Now I dont know what to do. Did I lose the money? please help I can pay.

@bscwlf then add the account again by clicking Connect Hardware wallet, if you used passphrase you will need to use the same one to enter the same account

i did that but i dont see that account anymore.

when i get to the part where i have to chose the wallets i want to add to metamask the wallet that i sent the funds to isnt there anymore. pls help me

if you see different list of addresses then you are using wrong passphrase

Bem vinda, a famosa senha errada. Sempre a mesma respostas.:triumph:

If you can’t remember your passphrase, no one can help you.
Try to remember what words you typed in two of the same words when you first created the mm-trezor wallet. There must be no errors in upper and lower case. Full-width half-width characters can not have errors.
If you still can’t remember, it is recommended to seek help from a hypnotist.
Usually the passphrase that people enter is just the password that people normally use.

yes, famous because it always is the case and only explanation…check if it wasn’t auto filled by your browser, try to enter your PIN you might have confused it with it, and check the spelling

Impossível, de ter preenchido automatico devido ter feito em um notebook. E não lembro de colocar senha, mas de qualquer forma utilizei algumas palavras chaves de costume com varias possibilidades mesmo assim em vão.:flushed: Lamentável, toda essa situação. Adquirir um produto para ter seguranca, e tive meu patrimônio sem acesso. Tenho endereços de recebimentos das carteiras que foi enviada com os mesmo consigo fazer algo?

if you did not set up passphrase then leave it blank, if you did , you will need exact same one