Unauthorized Transfer of Funds from my Wallet

Hi everyone,

I’m in a troubling situation with my Trezor wallet and need advice. On December 17th, I transferred BTC to my Coinbase account for a planned sale. The transaction went smoothly. However, on December 18th, I discovered an unauthorized transaction of a large amount of my money in BTC from my Trezor wallet. I did not do this transaction. The funds show up on blockchain scans but are not in my Trezor or Coinbase accounts. I have wallet addresses of where they were sent to.

What should be my next steps? I keep my seed phrase in a safe but I suspect I either need to completely reset my Trezor or buy a new one. I bought this one from Amazon, could that be a problem? Feeling lost here and not sure what to do or if the money is even recoverable.