Unable to see my coin after firmware update


I just did a firmware update on my trezor model one. I did a back up of my previous wallet and have my 24 word seed (recovery) phrase handy. I didnt see my coins in my wallet after firmware update. So i ran a factory reset and standard recovery process. Used my seed phrase. Now i still cant see my crypto in my newly set up wallet - i see a random much smaller $BTC there. I have also selected supporting coins. Please help me. I am scared that i have lost my crypto.

Thanks ,

What type of coins do you expect to show there?

BTC? ETH tokens?

Yes, thats correct. I dont have access to these tokens anymore. I lost all my coins. Despite using my recovery phrase. Please can some one help me?

Did you remember to use only the standard wallet on Trezor?
Or did you use the secret wallet with a passphrase?

Thanks for your response. I only use the standard wallet. Never passphrase. I could see the balances and had full access to my coins till firmware update. And since then I have lost them. I tried to recover but still don’t show up. I have done this 6 times now.

Hi team,

Please could you help me with the issue. I have also raised a support ticket for this: 31281.

I have used my recovery phrase and reset my device a few times now. It takes me to Feb 2022 and only shows last two transactions. Nothing after that. This is odd as my last deposit on my trezor wallet was in Sep 2023. I never had a passphrase.

Is it also possible that if I go back to an older firmware I might be able to get my coins back?
I read somewhere on this forum that firmware version might be an issue and going down a version might help.

Please help me. I lost all my coins.

Thank you

For some coins like ETH and SOL, the “receive” address remains the same for multiple transactions.

If you have ETH or SOL transactions from after February 2022, try checking them on a blockchain explorer.

I hope this will give you some clues.

Thanks a lot, I can see my ETH on Blockchain. But the ETH receiving address on the current wallet (after using the recovery phrase) is different. I don’t have any other recovery phase :sob:. What can I do next?

Thank you so much for helping out.

Hi team

Any suggestions or ideas. I would be grateful. I have lost all my coins. My live savings. Please help me :pray:

If you use standard wallet (and not using additional passphrase or hidden wallet), then it seems you use the wrong recovery seed. Maybe at some point you generated new wallet and forget to write the new seed ?

But try to contact trezor’s official support

(search trezor .io support)

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Thank you. Really appreciate you :pray:

I’ve just found an article, you can try to google :

trezor io I don’t see my crypto

Thanks a lot. Much appreciated.

You got a solution buddy ? Got your issue fixed ???