I tried selling my bitcoin using Banxa. Banxa received my bitcoin, but then cancelled my order because I overpaid (I sent more bitcoin than needed). I used Trezor Suite (Trezor-Suite-24.11.3-linux-x86_64.AppImage) and simply typed out the amount that I wanted to receive (e.g. $1000 AUD). But Trezor Suite sent too much bitcoin. Shouldn’t Banxa receive the correct amount from me? Can someone please tell me why the Trezor Suite is sending more bitcoin than required?
Banxa has already sent the bitcoin back to me (a refund) after I sent them my receive address.
I have verified the Trezor Suite app by using the command: gpg --verify Trezor-Suite-24.11.3-linux-x86_64.AppImage.asc
This gave me the result: Good signature from “SatoshiLabs 2021 Signing Key” [unknown]
I’m just wondering whether I should try an older version of Trezor Suite. Can someone please help me?