Trezor Suite App Updates

Anyone else have update issues regarding the new Trezor app on a Mac? Every time I need to update it I have to delete/keep an old version of the program then re-download an entire new version like it’s the first time. I can’t just update it in app, it won’t just restart the app with the update after it shows the download bar and isn’t automatically doing anything when the “update on next launch” option is chosen.

Thanks guys

I have trezor suite updated with the lateste firmware running on macOS Catalina last update and it has been working seamlessly…
Haven’t had any troubles.

What version of macOS are you running?

I have Monterey on an m1 MacBook Air. I believe this is the latest operating system?

Hello @nakajoto

as I run older macOS I can´t be of much help.

Are you sure you downloaded the app version specific for m1 chips?
On the suite download page there is a pull down menu where you can get the apple silicon version of trezor suite.

:four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:

Gosh darnit rima you may be right lol. I swore I made a point to make this distinction the first time but I think I just assumed it was the right version since it shows the little apple logo next to the download button when it detects what system you’re on but I still needed to specify further the arm based version. We’ll see with the next update whether the problems are cleared up. Thanks for the reminder!