I cannot use Trezor Suite desktop APP in China, but I can use it in the browser. I have VPN to visit Google and so on. However, it seems that in the Trezor Suite APP, the proxy setting is not working. Does anyone in China have the same problem? Anyone helps me?
BTW, the shipping price to China is $40. So fxxking expensive.
I bought Trezor Safe 3 a few days ago and received it today. I’m living in China now and I can have access to Google and so on via VPN (through clash for windows). However, I cannot use Trezor Suite because it is always loading when it starts up. Anyone helps me?
BTW, the shipping cost is $40, so fxxking expensive.
The problem is that I cannot connect to the web version unless I use the desktop version first. When it shows successfully connected using desktop version and with network problem, it does not show anything else, I can then open the web. In this method, I can connect.
Please give me method to use desktop version. Many thanks.