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This scrambled image happens after updating the trezor one to the latest firmware available which is 1.12.1
anyhow, after the scrambled image happens, i tried to disconnect the usb then re-connected it and now the screen is totally black (no display). even how many times to cycle the disconnect and reconnection of usb cable.
even the screen is not displaying anything (no display), the computer is recognizing the trezor one. and the left and right buttons are responding correctly as per my observation.
it seems the boot loader of trezor one is compromise because of the firmware update. the scambled image is somewhat upside down also during the time it appears and i picture it as shown in my initial posting.
I read somewhere in this forum to downgrade the firmware, but I’m stacked;
in the installing custom firmware it shows 99%, still the trezor one has no display. assuming right button as confirming anything, it proceeds to 100% and then restarted the trezor one.
so the only thing i can do is to disconnect the trezor one, reconnect it while pressing the left button, then the computer recognizes it but in bootloader. (still no display is showing in the trezor one screen) totally black screen.
Installing the 1.9.0 or even other firmware from folder 1 or folder t1b1 is not successful. it stacks in restarting trezor because the computer cannot recognized the trezor even cycling the disconnection and reconnection process.
now, if I update the firmware back to the latest 1.12.1 the firmware installation is completed, the trezor restarts, the computer recognizes it and then showing in the screen the firmware validating completed. but still no display in the trezor one.
I’m hoping that anybody from this community can point to the correct procedure in downgrading the firmware to the older version. This trezor one is purchased around 2021 from authorized reseller.
@matejcik kindly take a look a this. maybe you can guide me on how to downgrade the trezor one using custom build firmware which is installable to trezor one around year 2021 hardware model.