Trezor and Polygon NFTs not friends

Hi guys, I use trezor for my coins and also for NFTs. It works great. I just connect metamask, and I use the device to confirm my transaction. What happens is that some NFT creators send you airdrops on polygon because it is cheaper for them. I cannot confirm transactions if the NFT is on the polygon. It is not only me. Many of us there. I refuse to switch to the ledger where it works. Do you have an idea about some workaround? I really don’t want to recover seed to some online wallet and send NFTs from there, which would cause me trouble and a lot of gas money. Thank you for your help.

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Trezor doesn’t support NFTs, so please don’t send any to your Trezor or they risk being lost!

Most of the NFT world use trezor for NFTs. They are on the Ethereum network, and there is a connection to the meta mask. It works fine. The polygon is the issue.

I have exactly the same issue. Are there workarounds? Does Trezor plan to support ERC-721 on Polygon? More and more NFT projects are switching to Polygon because of high ETH
gas fees.

Exactly. The problem is that almost all the airdrops are on Polygon, so there is no solution of recovering a seed to a different wallet and setting up a new trezor because, after that, you will get another polygon airdrop…

It is so many of us. And what I see all over Twitter is Ledger which works with polygon fine. I refuse to use it as a Czech, and also the Trezor with touch screen is a much better product.

Please guys, come with some solution. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Ledger is even promoting NFT storage in its academy: How To Secure Your NFTs? | Ledger

This 100%! Artists are airdropping me valuable NFTs on Polygon and they are stuck. My trezor ETH address is almost literally a burn address for Polygon NFTs!

This is a problem. Trezor must know about it but they are ignoring it. I am a loyal customer and I always recommend Trezor but I may be forced to switch to my piece of garbage Ledger.

Also Trezor is costing the NFT world millions of dollars in gas fees by delaying adoption for polygon.

I have filed bugs with Metamask and OpenSea and they both say the issue is with Trezor.

To my knowledge there is no issue with Trezor, concerning NFTs. They’re simply not supported. SatoshiLabs are rather conservative when it comes to add support for new coins.

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In that case there should definitely be more explicit communication to users! “We do not support ERC-721” should be on the homepage of Trezor. This will save users a lot of money and frustration. Can’t get my head around that Trezor is handling this so lightly and user unfriendly.

There are many coins & tokens not supported. See for what is supported.

No reply from Trezor on this. It sucks. Trezor T is really superior product. I love using it but this needs to be fixed.

try sending your NFTs using Metamask Mobile (not browser extension) as stated in following document:

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This won’t work because the Trezor hardware wallet needs to be plugged into a USB port.

Updated firmware and a Blind signing option added to your suite seems like Trezors best option. Give a couple of warnings so it can’t be easily or accidentally turned on, and make sure that it shuts off when the wallet times out. Then Trezor could advertise NFT support, and not loose massive customers to an otherwise inferior product. oooooooooooooooo

Yeah wish Trezor would support Polygon network nft as gas fees have been ridiculous. Unable to sign transactions on hardware wallet. Wish this would get resolved soon.

I got it solved. It required me to buy a Ledger Nano X. Here’s how I did it. I set the Ledger up with a new address and downloaded the app for windows(Not sure If this was necessary to install the software properly?). I then reset the Ledger and the application separately. Without plugging the device into my computer, I scrolled to import with a seed phrase(on the Ledger device). It had me set up a pin first, and then I added my Trezor 12 word seed(had options for 18 and 24 word). After I was finished inputting that, I then went to settings/security and selected the add a passphrase selection. I selected the option to add it to a pin number. After setting one, it had me confirm with the first pin I had made. After that I put in my Trezor hidden wallet passphrase and confirmed it. I plugged in the device and opened the Ledger app on my computer. The device asked for the pin and instead of putting in the first one, I put in the new one I made for the passphrase. The device unlocked and connected to the computer. I used the Ledger app to install the ETH App onto the Ledger and then selected it on the device. On the computer, I signed in to Metamask and deleted my Trezor wallet. I then went to -add a hardware wallet and selected Ledger. My hidden wallets were listed and after importing I was then able to see my NFTs in my Opensea profile and sign transactions on the Ledger device. The Ledger device started overheating and acting funny after it was fully charged. I’d suggest having it about 50-60% charged when doing this process as it will continue to charge when it’s plugged in to the computer. I didn’t have to, but I moved all my NFTs back to an online Metamask. After spending a month wondering if I was going to ever have access to my investments again, I kinda soured on the whole hardware wallet experience. Trezor should work on NFT compatibility and also recovery options. I’d suggest a way to view your private key on the wallet after unlocking it. That way it can be restored to an online Metamask wallet. Without that option, I won’t be putting any crypto on Ledger or Trezor hardware wallets. . I watched a Elon Musk live stream on YouTube the other day, along with the CEO of Twitter and some other big wigs. They were talking about developing hardware wallets. Trezor might want to get out in front of this instead of ignoring the relevance of NFTs because you’ll soon have competition. I imagine hardware wallets are gonna look a lot like smartphones so people can view their NFTs in addition to holding tokens. One thing Elon Musk made clear is that people need to be in control of their own private keys.

I’m sorry but this is not true. Trezor wallets are normal wallets, they have nothing special. What it isn’t supported is managing this assets inside Trezor suite, which is another thing. I bought, transferred and sold NFTs using Trezor alongside metamask for a very long time without any issues.

That’s true, some NFTs work with Metamask. If you know what you do.

Exactly, what some people here is saying they had problems on Polygon network. I had too but it depends on how the web page connects with Metamask and how transactions are developed, but Trezor can totally handle it. Happy to solve some doubts here even I’m just a Trezor user like all of you.

I use Trezor to storage most of my tokens and also NFTs. However when it comes to ERC-721 Polygon NFTs I have read upwards on this thread that they get stuck and almost “burn”. Could someone belonging to the Project clarify this at once? I see the last post from edmbn defending that everything works normally by using MM instead of Trezor Suite. Question is simple:
Is it 100% proof that Polygon NFTs ERC-721 can be managed by Trezor by using MM? I read that maybe they land there (if you send from some other wallets), but then they get stuck.
Thanks in advance for the answer.