Small Deposit Test

Coinbase newly asks for the “Small deposit test” (some EU regulation). This means that I have to first make a tiny transaction from my Trezor to Coinbase. Trezor’s sending address is automatically generated, and once the transaction is confirmed by Coinbase, I am allowed to receive BTC to Trezor only to the same address from which I did a small deposit test. I cannot use anymore “Receive” address automatically generated by Trezor since it is different from the automatically generated “Send” address for “Small deposit test”. (1) What is the best practice (sorry for my naivety, I am new to this)? (2) Is there a way to define a sending address for a “Small deposit test” as the one I plan to use for BTC receiving?

Thank you.


That is the “Satoshi-Test” to verify you are the owner of the HW Wallet. The dilemma (the way I see it) is, every send transaction triggers a new BTC address.

This link might give you some hints how to select certain addresses. I’m not 100% familiar with that process. But it looks like once you have used an address and it has no more Satoshi’s on it you (you personally) can transfer fund back (in Trezor Suit) to this address.
Once this address is loaded again with funds you can select that address (the one you have verified).
The drawback with this method are the fees you have to pay to “load” the verified address again!

Maybe I’m wrong, but I guess this is one option how the reuse a certain address.