Sign transaction error: session not found Aug 29, 2021•12:28

Should you encounter any further issues, please consider using our stable Trezor Wallet Trezor Wallet or Electrum app Apps:Electrum - Trezor Wiki in the meanwhile, before the issue is fixed.

@JoseNieto As for the ticket you submitted, I have just closed it as resolved. In case you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out anytime.

Thanks, yes, my transaction was successful via “"web/ but only in Google CHROME browser.

Firefox browser does not support WebUSB (for security reasons), so it requires the trezor bridge (attached image); however; apparently; @Matejcik: “It seems you are encountering some sort of bug in how Suite interacts with Trezor Bridge”.

Therefore: as far as I understand, you are still trying to solve this bug: “freezing during transaction signing process” problem that occurs on the Trezor T device and the simultaneous “session not found” problem in the “trezor suite” App.

So, my inquiry for support has indeed been outstandingly successful. Thank you very much. BUT; the issue is still unsolved and I believe that we users of Trezor T devices should have a smooth operation, taking into account that this is a hardware wallet in which we place 100% of our trust & worthiness (loyalty).

By the way & related, I would like to share with you this link which I think provides a little more information at;

“karelbilek commented on 7 Jul 2020 •
Trezor (a cryptocurrency Hardware wallet) - my former employer - uses WebUSB, when available, for communication with web wallet, if used from a browser. (I wrote the WebUSB code into both the website and the C firmware.)
I think in the next, planned version, they offer Electron app first, which does not use WebUSB, but includes local server in go and c++ (because it’s still easier for debugging to use the raw OS calls), but if you decide to skip Electron app and use web, it goes to WebUSB.
one reason why they plan to push Electron instead of web app is that Firefox doesn’t support WebUSB :slight_smile: "

Thank you and have a great day


Thanks for your insightful and valuable comments, @JoseNieto! :+1: