Segwit or Legacy Account

Hello guys!! I sent Dogecoins to an account configured on the Trezor Suite app on my phone, which seems to be a legacy account. However, on the Trezor Suite on my PC, I can only add SegWit accounts, so I can’t access the tokens I sent.

I’ve tried removing and re-adding the Dogecoin account on the PC, but there’s no option to select the account type (legacy or SegWit). Additionally, I noticed that the XPUB of the account on my phone is different from the XPUB on the PC, indicating they are distinct account types.

How can I access my Dogecoin legacy account on the Trezor Suite on my PC and move these funds? Is there a way to select the account type when adding Dogecoin on the PC?

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your guidance.