Safe 5 and Model One ETH conflict in Suite

My main wallet has three ETH accounts and it has always worked well on the Model One. The Suite is currently at version 24.7.3.

After restoring the seed phrase on the Safe 5, I connected it to Suite and I did an Eject for the Model One wallet. Everything was fine with the Safe 5:

But after reconnecting the Model One with the same wallet, it refused to fully load all ETH accounts after the first one:

Suite tried to load a second ETH account, but was unable to read the txid data from the last transaction on the second account.

With Safe 5 wallet everything is readable, but if you remove/eject it from Suite, it does not fix the problem of loading all ETH accounts from Model One. In the Web version, everything seems to work fine, both wallets load all accounts. In Suite, I tried changing different backends, but it did not help. I also tried switching Tor connection. Model One can load all ETH accounts only on a clean version of Suite, but as soon as you connect Safe 5, the error with loading all ETH accounts appears constantly.

The connection order is as follows:

Hey there, Had the same error msg for my Model one . I ended up activating the TOR button and now have access. I can’t speak about the SAFE 5 only what I experienced above. I replied to support to let them know, but like I said after activating TOR it worked. Hope it helps👊

Today I removed all wallets from Suite and add Safe 5 as first wallet - same error. I change backend eth2 to eth1 address and restart the application. Now all is good, all accounts have loaded. I connected the Model One as a second device with the same wallet and it loads all accounts without any problems now.

The connection order now is:

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Hi @Viktor_1BTC,

Great to read that you’ve managed to solve the issue! Please let us know if it appears again.