RSR token under ETH, "add token" manually button is missing

Long time ago I deposit RSR token to Tresor Suite and forget. Today I ty to send this token to exchange, but can not. I found out that the reason is that RSR change contract address. It is not any more: 0x8762db106B2c2A0bccB3A80d1Ed41273552616E8 now is: 0x320623b8E4fF03373931769A31Fc52A4E78B5d70

I can not find any more under ETH account button “add token” to add again RSR with new contract address. Why is not there any more? How to change contract address? Now I have RSR inside token list and can not transfer out from Trezor Suite any more becuase Trezor did not update the contacrt address. Please, steep by steep instruction for fix. Thank you.

Hello and welcome to being your own bank :slight_smile:

Unlike a centralized exchange that manages your wallets for you, Trezor can do nothing to “update the contract address” in cases like this one.

So it unfortunately falls to you to keep up with token developments and perform the necessary migration steps when required. In this case, here is an official guide from the Reserve Token: How to Upgrade to the New RSR Contract: Complete Guide | Reserve Protocol | Reserve

Good news is that in this case it is as simple as sending 1 RSR from an exchange to your address, in order to trigger an automatic migration. When that is done, your balance should be detected by Trezor Suite automatically.

Additional comments

If your intuition is telling you “this looks like a scam”, good news is that your intuition is correctly tuned!

The danger of the overall cryptocurrency ecosystem is that, for a lay person, distinguishing a legitimate operation from a scam may be difficult because they sometimes share the same characteristics.

In this case, it doesn’t appear to be a scam to the best of my knowledge. Nevertheless, I strongly recommend you do your own verification.

General guidelines, not just for this case:

  • check that the source of this information is legitimate
  • try to find an independent confirmation
  • if you do proceed, do not send more funds than you are OK with losing. (here, 1 RSR seems to be a negligible amount)
  • if at any point you are asked to provide your recovery seed, do not do that. Your seed does not go into a computer, ever.
  • if at any point you are asked on your Trezor screen to confirm something that you do not understand, be extra cautious. The safest step in all cases is not confirming anything. Only proceed if you are reasonably sure you know what you are doing.

I send some RSR from exchange, but Trezor Suite create new RSR Token with new contract address, and old one remain there with not updated contract address. Thanks but this did not fix the problem. Please, help how to do it!

Does your new RSR token have the balance that you expect on the old address? Or is it just the minimal RSR amount that you sent?

From Exchange I send around 3600 RSR ($17) and I receive it on my Tresor wallet with new contract address without problem, but on the same ETH address I still have around 80 000 RSR with old contract address, standing like this without updating.

Let’s imagine that 3 days ago today, those from RSR announced that now their coin has a new contract. I’m late now. I have RSR at the Trezor with the old contract. How to solve this now? How to transfer it to the exchange, when bockchain does not recognize it with the old contract address. How to change it? What does no one have a solution for this? Trezor support?

These are questions for the RSR team. This is not Trezor specific. Every token holder is facing the same problem – except, when you use an exchange, the real “token holder” is the exchange, so they will solve that problem for you.

If you are an individual holder, you will need to do some sort of migration based on instructions from the token developers.

I’ll repeat that Trezor can do nothing here and it unfortunately falls to you to perform the required steps.

I have also linked an official guide with a lot of details. If the simple way did not help you, please read the rest of the document for more advanced steps.

Another alternative is contacting Reserve Protocol support with your problem.