Purchasing for the entire sum in one shot: how?

It appears that the list of “partners” Trezor Suite reports for the given purchase transaction amount is essentially useless, since it does not take into account whether the “partner” can handle the specified amount at once. For example, I request ETH for 20000 USD through Google Pay. Trezor Suite suggests Topper as the best choice. But in reality, Topper cannot sell ETH for 20K USD. Their limit is 2.5K per day for all payment types.

And I discover this only after suppling my personal information to the “partner”? What’s going on here?

So, my first question is: Where is the option in Trezor Suite that would allow me to display only those “partners” who can handle the entire transaction at once? I.e. their single-transaction limits should accommodate the entire amount at once. How do I filter the “partners” based on that criterion?

The second question is: How do I request removal of my personal information from “partners” who prove to be unsuitable for my needs (and yet insisted on collecting my information first)? The interesting detail here is that it turns out that from many (all?) “partners” accounts registered through Trezor Suite are Trezor-specific. They “don’t exist” outside of Trezor. So, apparently such issues have to be handled through Trezor.