I’m trying to sign a transaction on the debridge website (airdrop checker) and at the time of signing it gives the following message (Action not completed - bytes overflow). What do I do to solve… On the other wallet without the Trezor it works perfectly.
Hi @opicolo, which wallet have you connected the Debridge with - Metamask, or Rabby?
I recommend trying both.
Is the firmware of your Trezor device up to date?
Me too, I tried MetaMask and Rabby and both errors occurred. I debugged and found that the data length for personsign reached 3000+ bytes, so an error occurred.
Trezor One can sign Ethereum messages of no more than 1024 bytes.
This is a technical limitation, but unlikely to be lifted for practical reasons: if you’re confirming a message of 1024 characters or more on the tiny screen, you are essentially blind-signing at that point. That’s something we try to discourage.
Tell your web3 service providers to be reasonable and have you confirm messages a regular user is likely to actually read.