Pin entry not working

I have a new laptop and am trying to access my Trezor. I have watched the video and entered the pin with the mouse and with the keypad and it is not accepting what I enter (to enter pin number “1” I click on the top left hand box and for “5” I click the middle box in the middle row and so on).
Any idea why it is not working?

you need to look at Trezor screen to know which buttons are which numbers.

Isn’t that what I was doing?

So if the top left number on the Trezor screen is “9” then my first click on the PC should be the bottom right, which is what I did.
Have I misunderstood things or is this correct. If it’s correct then it’s not working.
Any ideas?

if the top left number on your Trezor is 9 and you are trying to enter the number 1, then you need to look up the number 1, it doesn’t matter where 9 is.


my pin is 1234

Trezor screen says:

9 7 3
4 1 6
2 5 8

I tap:

  1. center button (that’s where 1 is shown)
  2. bottom left (where 2 is shown)
  3. top right (where 3 is shown)
  4. middle left (where 4 is shown)

From your explanation it seems you are doing something slightly different?

Hi, It’s so long since I last accessed my Trezor that I assumed the pin was the number on the Trezor device. I eventually found my pin written on a bit of paper and have now successfully acced my Trezor.
Thank you for your help.

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