My Trezor cannot upgrade

I tried to buy and NFT but my TreZor force me to upgrade…and after i put my password, the computer screen keep asking my to sweep the Trezor screen but there is nothing there…ANYONE HELP""":frowning:

MMadams, can you provide more detail? What do you mean ‘sweep the Trezor screen’.

if you mean swipe then you have to do this: then follow rest of the instructions

BAsically, it start awhile ago when everyone has the problem LISTING their NFT using Trezor . At that time, i could not sell it but i still could buy it. And people said we had to wait for an upgrade. And now, i cant even buy anything or do anything. I plugged it the TreZor, i put my password then passphases. Then, the computer screen asked my to UPGRADE( Only button on computer screen). So, i pressed on it. Its looked like it was trying to load something…But the TreZor seems not Detecting anything( No action). But the computer screen directly me to disconnect and connect it back then sweep the Trezor (TreZor has no reaction)…

BAsically, it start awhile ago when everyone has the problem LISTING their NFT using Trezor . At that time, i could not sell it but i still could buy it. And people said we had to wait for an upgrade. And now, i cant even buy anything or do anything. I plugged it the TreZor, i put my password then passphases. Then, the computer screen asked my to UPGRADE( Only button on computer screen). So, i pressed on it. Its looked like it was trying to load something…But the TreZor seems not Detecting anything( No action). But the computer screen directly me to disconnect and connect it back then sweep the Trezor (TreZor has no reaction)…

How can you fixed it? Do we have to same problem ?

Which firmware version do you have on your Trezor? If it is old, you have to do the action in the video that was linked above.