Issue regarding fees on Trezor suite using the model t

Hello all,

I’m paying for a product & in order to do that I have to send exactly a certain amount to the seller however, upon entering that amount into Trezor suite the amount changes to include the fee, which if I were to proceed would screw up the transaction & cause me to lose the funds. Is there a way around this that you guys can see? Maybe a way to set it up so the fee is avoided completely?

Hi @kgibbs5

You can’t avoid paying fees as it is a payment to the miners for adding a transaction into the blockchain. Without fees the tx simply won’t happen.

Also, please note that Trezor suite is adding fee instead of deducting it from the final amount.

See example below:

Let’s say you are invoiced 43.25 USD.

So that’s the amount you set and then the fee is added on top of that (as you can see on the picture below - 0.22 USD is being added) so you pay 43.56 USD in total.