Is is possible to generate new BEP-20 (Binance smart chain) adress directly on Trezor or I must only import whole seed?

Hello, I would like to ask if is possible to generate new BEP-20 (Binance smart chain) adress directly in Trezor or I can only import whole seed from for example metamask to store my BSC tokens?

Thank you for reply

just use this
Connect hardware wallet
If you wish to use the eth address in the hidden wallet as the bep20 address, enter your hidden wallet passphrase in the window below.
If you want to use the eth address of the standard wallet as the bep20 wallet address, then don’t enter anything, just click the green enter

So if I connect Metamask with Trezor, where will be my funds?
On Trezor (sedd generated by trezor) or in Metamask (seed generated by Metamask) ?

Remember, coins are always on the blockchain.
The purpose of the wallet is to store the private key.
The address of your trezor-MM BNB wallet is generated from the trezor seed and passphrase (if you use it). MM only acts as a bridge to access the bsc network. You can find your address on any MM as long as the trezor’s seed and passphrase (if you use it) remain the same.

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