I don't get my matics in trezor suite

Ticket ID 130341

I made the binance withdrawal from Matic for trezor suit choosing the polygon blockhain.
I added Matic contract in tokens and trezor generated the wallet number copy and paste to receive my matics to my surprise after successfully sending… in my trezor account the account number to receive the Matic had disappeared
Now. The Matics can be seen in the polygonscan blockchain and are in the wallet number wallet created by trezor suite
can someone help me how to recover them
Thank you

can you help me get them back

TxID 0x19a31033623b4c87d2cd7299c75db41d4d2a617a8696a2daf06d9287e6827c27

Thank you very much friend for the information… I have my matics in my possession again