How receive wld its not listed like on Website

Hello howto receive wld - worldcoin ?

On Website stand:

Open Trezor Suite, select Worldcoin, go to “Receive,” show full address, verify it on your Trezor, copy & paste it into your exchange’s “Send to” field. Voilà!

Theres no option for wld like descripted

And whats the best way to adding multisig , and when will trezor be able todo multisig without 3rd extensions ?

I have trezor 3

Thank you

I see that Worldcoin can run on ERC20 or Optimism.

Since Trezor does not support Optimism, you can assume it is an ERC20 token.

You can go to the Ethereum section in your Trezor Suite and click “Receive.”

Then, you can send your Worldcoin (ERC20) to your ETH address.

Of course, if you are in doubt, you can send a small amount first.

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worldcoin is no more on optimism its a own chain

I think if you don’t want to use third party wallet, and only want to use trezor suite, the only possible way is withdraw worldcoin to ERC20 chain from exchange.