How can I transfer Satochis from my Trezor T to another Trezor T? I’d like a tutorial with details. Tks!
I’m having the same problem. I have two Trezors connected to two USB ports on my PC, but Trezor Suite only launches once. Do I have to do this serially (i.e. connect one device to find the receive address then disconnect it and connect the second device to send from, and relaunch Trezor Suite )? Or is there some way to launch two instantiations of Trezor Suite for the two deviced connected simultaneously?
There is no problems in a few devices at the same time. Just rename each device to its unical names and remember them. You can be able to switch between devices via Suite at the top-left corner of the application.
Thank you Viktor. I’ll give it a go.
Many thanks Viktor. That works a treat.
Hello sndrbvi. Have you sorted this out or would you still like some help?