Help Issues with Trezor and Theta.Wallet

Hi all,

I have trezor and an account at theta.wallet…

i wanted to send my tfuel to my binance account.

To : Binance adress

Amout : im clicking entire amout

transaction fee : 0.3 tfuel

I click SEND … after that its ask for CONFRIM & SEND

when i click it, it’s loading after that i will get on the same screen ! ← in red with circle (see the picture)

Can you help me please ?? i cant send my coins … need your help…

Warmest regards,

Ps: This happened after I downloaded firmware update for my Trezor T

Hi @ELCurrency

That’s most probably because you are sending entire amount however you need to keep some tfuel to be able to pay the gas fee as well.

Also beware that there are currently some issues regarding sending txs on Theta Web Wallet:

Hi sir, Thank you very much to take some time to answer my question. I appreciate it very much. I did also tried to do half amount to have some coins for the fees… but unfortunately it didn’t work also… Thanks for. the twitter information, maybe I need to wait… some other suggestions are also welcome.