Get a new Trezor One and mirror the old with the new one

I will get a new Trezor One and set it up with a new seed phrase, create a new wallet with a password. Move my crypto from the old Trezor One too the new wallet. Factory reset the old Trezor One and restore it with the new seed phrase from the new Trezor one.

Then I should have two Trezor One that is mirror of each other with a new seed phrase and a new wallet?

Anything I should consider before doing this?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

there is nothing you should consider before doing this

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I looked and couldn’t find the answer to this. I have 2 Trezor Ones… can I recover my seed phrase to my ‘backup’ and have both reflect my balance and use both as needed with a Trezor suite on the same computer? How about on different computers?

Hi @trezor4,

Yes, you can. Just recover the recovery seed from one of your Trezor devices to another. Information on how to do it can be found at

You can use the Trezors (which include the same set of private keys - represented by recovery seed) on any computer.