if the Suite is legitimate, and you have a Trezor from the Safe family, which have a Secure Element, the Suite will run an authenticity check to prove that the Trezor is genuine. If the authenticity check fails, Suite will display an error and urge you to contact Trezor support.
If you have an older Trezor, Suite can also run certain tests to try and detect whether your device is genuine. If those fail, Suite will also display an error and urge you to contact support.
However, without the Secure Element, those checks are on a best-effort basis, and a fake device can pass them under certain circumstances.
Please keep in mind that if you have a fake Trezor, no rules apply. At that point, it’s not a Trezor anymore, it’s a gadget that looks like a Trezor from the outside. Think as if there’s a miniature hacker is sitting inside, doing their best to take your funds. Do you think a passphrase, which you enter on Trezor screen, is going to thwart this hacker? Probably not.