Even though I have the wallet disconnected, when I open Trezor Suite my balance appears in view

Hello!! I have a question and I apologize because the answer may be too obvious. Some time ago I introduced coins into a trezor through trezor suite. I closed the computer and never opened it again - I don’t use it for anything else. After these years today I opened this computer, and without connecting the trezor, just by downloading the suite app again, I get on the screen what I have in the trezor. Is this normal? I mean it’s like the trace that I was there has been saved… and I get the trezor desktop with my balance (I insist, without having connected the wallet). On the other hand: I have seen (in secret) some scam coins (I thought this didn’t happen in Trezor) Should I be worried? or if I don’t touch them at all am I safe? Thanks community!

This is normal. You did not choose to forget the wallet, so suite remembered the public key and became an watch-only wallet.

Don’t touch them, you will be safe.

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