Eth transaction stuck when sending between Trezor wallets

Sending some Eth between my 2 Trezor wallets on Trezor Suite but transaction is stuck and there’s no way to cancel it.

I try to increase gas price, it says not enough funds, yeah right. Also how come there is no cancel button in the trezor suite? I look through 6 month old posts with the same issue and this is still happening, you need to fix this issue!

I go to Metamask and do the transaction to self with the same nonce but even that fails, I have tried a 100 times.

What do I do now?

Transaction randomly went through later in the day. Scary issue though, I suggest Trezor fixes that gas price “not enough funds” issue though it’s been bothering people for a while.

did you send all your eth in that transaction? How much gas did you set?