ETH Pending Transaction

ETH Pending Transaction Unconfirmed
Why ETH Transaction two day still in transaction?

Hey @Joseph

Can you give some details so we can try to help? Do you have enough eth to pay the fee?

Be more specific so we can better help you

have enough eth to cover the fee
Can cancel the transaction now?

@Joseph I don’t know…

You can try opening a support ticket here


I am facing the same issue, need some help. I am stuck with 3 pending transactions :cry:

Hi @Asadus16,

The reason why your transactions are pending is that they are blocked by the first pending transaction that you made from your ETH address.

The remaining transactions can’t be confirmed while this first one is pending. You need to bump the fee (gas price) of this transaction so it can be successfully mined. You can find information on how to bump the fee (gas price) of a pending ETH transaction at

To determine the actual size of the gas price, you can check gas estimators (for example Here you can find what gas price needs to be set in order to get your transaction confirmed in a required time period.

After the first pending transaction is confirmed, the rest of them will also be confirmed (if the sufficient fee for these transactions was set).