ETH Addresses not showing in Standard or Hidden Trezor Wallets

Hidden wallets on Trezor that only contain ETH addresses are showing up as empty wallets when the correct password is used in attempting to access them via Trezor Suite.

Hidden and Standard wallets on Trezor that contain Bitcoin are showing the Bitcoin amounts properly but not showing ETH amounts via Trezor Suite.

Correct ETH Amounts are shown in Metamask when querying the addresses in question. Trezor can also correctly sign transactions via Metamask for the addresses in question.

The problem seems to be that Trezor Suite is not displaying ETH addresses.

Any help would be most appreciated.

then add more ETH accounts in Suite, also Suite can only display first 10 ETH addresses if your MM addresses are 10 and further you cannot see them in Suite

I used to be able to see all of my ETH addresses in Trezor Suite both in the standard and hidden wallets. No problem. I have less than 10 ETH addresses in each hidden wallet. As of today I cannot see any of them at all. Trezor Suite is simply not displaying them. In hidden wallets that only consist of ETH addresses Trezor Suite is indicating the wallet is empty even with the correct password for that hidden wallet.

what about web version?

can you perform any action in MM? send the coins there?

I can operate MM without any problems. All good. It’s just that I can’t see any of the ETH balances in the Trezor Suite, which is frustrating as I do all of my accounting from it.