ERROR MSG when trying to access my Trezor wallet

Hey everyone.
I came here looking for an answer to why my wallet wouldn’t let me access it today. Was giving me the Failed to load (method handler fail" so I could not access my wallet. Tried re-installing the Suite on desktop and still same “ERROR MSG”. Opened a support ticket and the AI Assistant asked some questions. It had asked me if I had the TOR function enabled which I normally don’t use. I clicked the button to activate after trying and checking all the suggested info. Once TOR was enabled and running I was able to get access to my Trezor One like normal. Give it a try hopefully it works for you. FYI , I’ve been using this Trezor for over 4 years and have never had a single issue. This was the first time. I did reply to my support ticket and mentioned the above info. Not sure why but I now have access. Good luck. :facepunch::mushroom::+1:

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Hi Joe,

I see that the ticket you created has already been resolved.

If there is any issue in the future, you can always create a new ticket or contact us here directly.