Don't See ETH Transfer from Coinbase


I can confirm you need to send your WETH from MetaMask to Coinbase using the Polygon network. Also, you need some MATIC on the address with your WETH to pay gas for this transaction (if you do not have any, it is the reason why you see “insufficient funds for gas” message)

After you send your ETH back to Coinbase, you can send them back to your ETH address, this time make sure to choose proper ETH network.

Hello, guys, I am next in line… I Have sent yesterday 0.8ETH to my Trezor wallet and the funds did not appear on my wallet even after 20+hours. I have , naturally , contacted Coinbase support, provided the necessary links, the y stated that from their end everything was correct.

I have created an accoutn here, wrote to Trezor support. Unfortunately, me, too, got the transaction marked as “int”.

My firts two transactions were in May, went very quickly. How can I get the funds to be “non internal”, “real”, “visible?”. I have read something about 3rd party apps but Iam a bit hesitant to use them .Thanks for your reply !

At least now I can see that funds are there, somewhere…

Edit: actually, they are there !!! The amout is correct! Corresponds with the yesterdayś transaction,only could not be seen in transaction history…