I would like to know how to transform a standard account into an account protected by a passphrase.
Is it possible?
If so, what is the procedure?
Thank you for your help
I would like to know how to transform a standard account into an account protected by a passphrase.
Is it possible?
If so, what is the procedure?
Thank you for your help
If I understand you correctly you like to “move” your coins from the 12/24 words SeedPhrase wallet to a PassPhrase wallet.
I have to say that is probably not possible, since the PhasePhrase (HiddenWallet) generates a complete new private key and hence new addresses.
If you would like to use the hidden (by the way, you can have unlimited hidden wallets) wallet (with the correct PassPhrase) you have to SEND your coins to the new address.
But be advised, great power comes with great responsibility. If you lose you PassPhrase AND of course the Seedhrase you will no longer have access to your wallet(s).
You will be not the first (and last) person who lost the PassPhrase!