Can Trezor hold keys for L2 EVM tokens that are not supported?

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to use trezor with metamask, and I noticed that
I need to plug ion trezor to make a swap on the Optimism network, does that mean
trezor holds the keys for this token even when it is not listed in Trezor suite? Does Trezor use the same key for all tokens and if they are supported by metamask the trezor can be used to keep the keys secure (not in metamask that can be hacked) ?? Regards.

Hi @fgfkjg,

Trezor holds private keys for addresses, not for tokens. It means that if the tokens are stored on your ETH address and the address is derived from recovery seed generated by Trezor, Trezor holds private key for this ETH address.