Can I use two different hardware (trezor devices) with the same seed interchangeably

I do own Trezor One, and ordered Trezor Safe 3;

is there some official document how can i migrate with the same seed from One to Safe 3?

is it possible that once i migrate from One to Safe 3 I can use both interchangeably but not simultaneously - or this is not a good idea?

Thank you

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I am following this too. Getting a Safe5 and thinking I will put my old ModelT in a lockbox. I can’t see why it wouldn’t still work.

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@fxadventure same use-case;
just no clue how to make it fully Safe - ie migration/replication between the old one (in my case One) to the Safe (my case 3)


you can recover your wallet on a new Trezor device based on this article:

You can use multiple Trezor devices with the same wallet backup loaded.