Adding AVAX to Trezor suite

Hi, I’ve just set my Trezor up and have some AVAX & TIME in my metamask wallet. I can see the tokens in metamask but not in the Trezor Suite. How do I add AVAX & TIME so they can be seen?

Hi @cryptocaliffa,

If they’re not listed in the official Supported Coins & tokens list, then you must continue to use Metamask (or other compatible third part wallet) to see your coins. As you can see when you search the list, AVAX isn’t listed. Chronobank (TIME) is listed as an ERC-20 token, and is supported by Trezor Suite, but I don’t know if this token is the same TIME as you have. Can you confirm this?

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From my understanding you would connect your hardware wallet to MetaMask and then you could use MetaMask to transfer between your accounts, MetaMask account to your Trezor account.

Hello. I’m new to Trezor. I have just added a few ERC-20 tokens to my Trezor. I just sent some AVAX from coinbase pro to my trezor using the trezor ERC-20 address. Coinbase pro accepted the address. My AVAX has not shown up. Have I lost these tokens?

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